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I Wasn't Going To Share This!!

It's been a long year! And I will not sit here and tell you that all year i've been "focused". But one thing is for sure is that when I was in position to change someone's life or business...I showed up!

I guess someone was watching and was impressed with my work because I got recognized and awarded for it. The day after my birthday (October 6th) I received an email that had the subject line "Michael Burks & Associates LLC - Dallas Awards". I almost deleted the email because I thought it was spam. But I went against my judgment and when I opened the email and read it, I was surprised to say the least. As I read the email the first line goes on to say...

"It is our pleasure to inform you that on this day October 7, 2019 -- Michael Burks & Associates LLC has been selected for the 2019 Dallas Awards in the category of Business Management Consultant." I immediately click the link and read further. I could not believe it and was totally taken by surprise.

The surprise was only because when you start a business, its not for the money or awards like this. You start your company with the goal to add something of value to the world.

I would like to think that Michael Burks & Associates LLC does that for each and every client we have worked with. Over that last year we have helped over 20 CEO's, VP's, Directors, Team Leaders, Consultants and Coaches find the gaps and fill them with solutions that bring results.

Originally, I was not going to share this achievement. But today I was told that I do not celebrate my wins enough. That kind of stung deep.. because I coach about celebrating your small and big wins daily. So below is the link to my press release covering my the award and why we received it.

Michael Burks, CEO Of  Michael Burks & Associates LLC Receives 2019 Dallas Award.

In the meantime, what accomplishment are you hiding? what goal have you achieved that you didn't share with your network? what are you minimizing but is far more significant than you realized?

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