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michaelburksjr-what i do-1

My name is Michael Burks Jr., also known as "Dr. Burks". By the age of 23, I ran my first consulting firm in Chicago, providing project development services to non-profit organizations. As a hard-working, committed businessman and respected authority, I have built a reputation as a serial entrepreneur.

With 15 years of experience as a management consultant in corporate America, I have faced the same challenges as other corporate professionals. These experiences have shaped my raw, honest, and straightforward consulting style. Over the last decade, I have focused on becoming a trusted advisor to business, entertainment, and sports professionals, empowering them to take intentional ownership of their lives, ideas, and intellectual property.

More Than 2000 & Counting!

Since 2020, more than 2,000 people around the world have exchanged messages with me via text to find a path to realize their visions. To reach me directly at any time, click the button below and leave me a message. Click allow, send me a message, and I'll text you right back..