Michael Burks Jr., also known as "Dr. Burks" is a trusted partner and advisor to c-suite executives and their companies. Having acquired 15 years of experience in corporate America where he faced the same challenges and obstacles as the professionals he seeks to help now. These experiences have shaped his raw, honest, and straightforward approach to finding solutions and achieving results.
Over the last decade, Dr. Burks has set his focus on becoming a trusted advisor and stepping in, at times, as Fractional Chief Operating Officer. Installing and refining operational processes throughout their businesses, providing scale, stability and hope.
More Than 2000 & Counting!
Since 2020, more than 2,000 people around the world have exchanged messages with me via text to find a path to realize their visions. To reach me directly at any time, click the button below and leave me a message. Click allow, send me a message, and I'll text you right back..