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Dr. Burks Private Business Dinner Invitation

Invest in an opportunity to join me and talk shop over dinner above the Dallas skyline.

I've grown to understand that you value what you pay for. So to get started with booking dinner with me follow the steps below:

1. Open a Coinbase account and confirm your access by sending $25 worth of XRP to (the interface will look like this) . If you want to get started in the investing game, buy $100 worth of XRP when you sign up using my link  and Coinbase will send you an extra $20, covering the confirmation fee.

2. Text a screenshot of confirmation with the words #completed to 214-308-1132. Once we receive your confirmation, you will get a reply with access to my private calendar


side note, Why XRP? The value of the crypto I've acquired in the past 5 years has increased more than 10x. Whether you've only heard of bitcoin or already own some, here's a good reason to make a transaction with crypto currency. I've been putting my circle on for a minute - ask millionaires about their investments in crypto. You can thank me later for the investment you make.