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[Case Study] 300% Increased Revenue In Less Than 90 Days

Let me tell you about a client who spent $5K on a consult that lead to best revenue month in year. 

It's the middle of August and I am invited out with a colleague and his friends….

One night during a bit of free time I reached out to a few of my clients. Much to my surprise I received a text back and I asked Clint how well things were going after our session. his response…

When Clint came to me he was already running a successful biomedical firm bringing in a little over 5 figures per month and had a great loyal customer base. 

The only issue was he couldn't scale his revenue and his time was engaged in everyday administrative work and not new client acquisitions. 

the majority of his revenue came from renewals not new customers, or product lines. And even his systems were a bit dated and inefficient.

It wasn't that he didn't want to grow, he tried numerous methods that just didn’t work out. You name it, he tried it. 

When he and i first spoke he was actually just getting out of another program that promised the world and massively under delivered. I'm sure some of you understand his frustration..

The Challenge Identified
Within 20 minutes of our GAME PLAN CALL, I knew the only thing Clint was missing was a predictable, scalable system and a plan for delegating and automating tasks he was so heavily invested in. 

How did we identify these challenges you may ask? Well, I guided Clint through our Business Overview Audit. 

This audit is where me or one of our account managers takes you through a deep dive of intimate questions about your business that are designed to expose your hidden insecurities, secrets and gaps in your business. 

One area of the audit I am going to focus on in this article is the Profit Planning Audit.

This 24 question assessment takes you on journey between sales and revenue statements to find information that can best suit our goals for growth and scale. 

These simple questions will are meant to unpack areas of business that dare I say… Most entrepreneurs or business owners have no clue how to answer. 

Questions like…
What is the cost of a client?
What’s the percentage of leads your convert monthly, quarterly and yearly?
What are your margins and where would you ideally like your margins to read?

There are so many more questions and more moving parts to these deep dive… but this is an article not a consulting session. 

A week later we scheduled his VIP day 

Within the first two hours we had a clear look at Clint's options to scale his business to the level he was envisioning. When we were finished we had:

Improved revenue projection plan: Clint is a very sharp entrepreneur and he had a lot of knowledge to offer. But when it was time to start taking a view of the finances and what areas he was lacking in growth, he was at a loss on certain questions. 

There is a difference between a great business owners and the false ones, one difference is can you actually produce the numbers you are claiming. And if so can you actually grow and scale those numbers to keep up with growing markets. 

After auditing Clints sales strategies and financial statements we were able to substantiate his true numbers and further more project what financial goals he had for the company

A clear marketing strategy: Clints marketing strategy at the time wasn’t bad at all. In fact it was working to a very to good point. The issue i had to relay to him was that we had to build upon the existing plan in order to accommodate the new projections in growth you are attempting to reach. 

We went back and forth about “what’s already working” and how “we had to use trial and error for the new system”. 

And I told him that It doesn’t mean you have to get it right the first time. Your first version of your strategy will be rough and dirty, that’s fine, just focus on delivering the message in the most efficient manner possible. 

your marketing and sales will begin to convert a certain percentage of customers into paying customers, all we needed to do is increase the number of eyeballs.

Through a few iterations, you should shortly be able to deliver to your customers a marketing message that translates to higher revenue margins. 

And lastly…..

A systemized operations structure and a delegation chart. This is my favorite part. We talked about upgrading his CRM to a more systemized all inclusive software that allows for 80% of his process to be automated. Then I recommend hiring a virtual assistant to start sending thousands of hyper-targeted messages a day to your ideal market.

The next day we hoped on one more call to go over everything and started implementation. 

To be clear this was within a 3 days period and we built him an entire strategy to scale his operations with: a clear statement of work

Just a few later, another increase of revenue of 47% was shown and that came from the delegation and automation processes we put in place. 

Imagine investing $5k for a one day consultation and going from 15K+ monthly to a consistent $65K a month in less than 90 days. 

Put yourself in Clint's shoes, what would that feel like?

Pretty awesome right?

Not only that, but what would it feel like to finally be able to focus on macro solutions of your company and not be so overwhelmed by the micro tasks and decisions that take up so much of your time. 

Most of the time we are the actual bottleneck in our company by committing ourselves to not delegating and automating minuscule tasks that are not a part of the holistic view we as operations people should be focusing on. 

Don’t take my word….listen to what Clint had to say! >> Video Testimony on Youtube

These steps above (while accurate) cannot cater to your specific situation unless we get on a one-on-one call and identify which stage of growth you are in, what needs to specifically be done next in order to see massive growth, and offer some additional assets and training that you would find useful.

f you are interested and would like me to walk you through in a much more in depth way, how you can specifically use these steps to grow your business this year. Lets book a case study call and talk about your specific needs.

Cheers, Dr. Burks


This article is written by Dr. Michael Burks Jr. Business advisor, Nationally recognized speaker, entrepreneur, and author. If you’re a CEO, VP or any high-level professional committed and serious about being challenged to think, move, and respond differently to come out the other side with a clear plan to explosively grow your business or organization. Then the customized VIP executive session is for you. Read more articles below.